Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Maradona permits the WAGs!!

Argentina manager Diego Maradona is allowing his players to have sex during the World Cup campaign, but only with their regular partners.

This is in contrast to England manager Fabio Capello's policy: " No distractions, no wives, no girlfriends".

Capello wants to ensure that his players have their mind fixed solely on the the task at hand, that is, to bring home the World Cup and not to make the headlines for any other reason.

However, Argentina team doctor Donato Villami believes that there is no reason why the wives and girlfriends should be away from their partners, according to "The players will be able to have sex during the World Cup in South Africa, but with regular partners and without champagne or other drinks.

"Sex is part of everybody's social life and it's not a problem in itself. Problems arise with the excesses: all the extras, a non-regular partner or in hours reserved for rest."

Professor Greg Whyte believes that there is a historical reason for Capello's ruling and spoke to the Guardian about it.

He said: "The Ancient Greeks believed that sex was detrimental in the build up to the Olympics - that it sapped energy, lowered testosterone and reduced aggression.

"But research runs counter to this. There have been a few studies on sex before sport and they have shown it has no effect on performance."

If history were to prove anything, the last World Cup had Eucadorian international Alex Aguinaga denouncing the English WAGs: "The English way is not a good way.

"Having wives and girlfriends around is a distraction which we do not have. The English wives and girlfriends are causing a circus.

"We have left our wives and girlfriends at home and are more focused.

"There has been no contact with them since two weeks before the World Cup started. This is our way and this is how we will win."

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